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    Strata Ratings

    Your Strata Rating is a performance measurement given as a percentile against the community of premium users. A rating of 95 means that you are in the 95th percentile and score better than 95% of the premium users on StrataScratch.
    1. Total616
    2. Coding154
    3. Business Sense154
    4. Mentorship0

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    Strata Ratings Overview
    Strata Ratings is the user's performance calculated against all other former and current premium users. These ratings are percentile based with the 50th percentile being the average of all users. So if your coding rating is 90, it means that you're in the 90th percentile compared to all users for coding questions. Ratings Logic: • The total rating is a composite score of coding (40% weight), business sense (20% weight), projects (30% weight), and mentorship (10%) scores. • Coding rating is calculated using the composite score of the number of SQL and (python or pySpark or R) questions solved. You need to solve questions in both SQL and another language of your choice (python or pySpark or R) in order to receive a coding rating. • Business Sense rating is the number of product and business sense questions solved from our non-coding section • Projects score is calculated from the number of StrataScratch projects completed and uploaded. • Mentorship rating is a calculation of the number of comments submitted.
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